A healthier future for Montanans.
What a first year it was! There's nothing like the whirlwind of starting a nonprofit. Putting together a board, articles of incorporation, and many, many strategic planning documents! On top of the basics, we managed a number of exciting actions that year. This is an archival post of them, from December all the way back to May. 2019.12.6 | Climate and Health: Interprofessional Perspectives and Solutions
A presentation to the Family Practice residents and staff at St. Patrick's, Missoula with board member Dr. Paul Smith and Dr. Jennifer Robohm, psychologist. 2019.12.5 | Climate Disruption: Health Disaster or Opportunity? A climate communication session, including the health impacts of climate disruption and the recommended solutions, for the community of Sheridan, Wyoming. 2019.12.2 | Climate Change: Killing the Planet or Killing You? Addressing the mortality numbers associated with climate change, with Drs. Rob and Lori Byron - Who.What.Why. 2019.12.2 | Wild Foods to Food Security and Cultural Values on the Flathead Reservation of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes in the Context of Climate Change. Research from board member Dr. Mari Eggers 2019.12.2 | Let's Talk About Water MontanaHPHC board member Dr. Nick Sliverman will be discussing water and climate at this Missoula event 2019.11.9 | Guest opinion: Climate Change: There is no them, only us Op-Ed by Dr. Robert Byron 2019.11.6 | Doctors Address Climate Change Concerns Drs. Rob and Lori Byron presented a public talk and radio talk show on climate and health to the Rotarians of Lewistown, MT 2019.10.29 | Webinar: Environmental Stewardship in Healthcare Register for this talk, in which MontanaHPHC Board Member Dr. Schenk will describe common sources of pollution in healthcare, and in particular what nurses can do to address environmental stewardship in healthcare and decrease pollution from their practices. 2019.10.25 | D.C. Lobbying w the Healthcare Industry MtHPHC Board Member Dr. Beth Schenk lobbied Congress for action on climate with Healthcare Industry officials this week 2019.10.6 | Warming Climate Alarms Climate Scientists Montana Scientists Dr. Cathy Whitlock and Dr. Bruce Maxwell provide an in-depth and Montana-centric summary of climate change and why it should matter to Montanans. Whitlock and Maxwell are also authors of the Climate Change and Human Health section of the Montana Climate Assessment currently being written. 2019.10.4 | Elizabeth Schenk received the University of Montana Distinguished Alumni Award MT HPHC board member Beth Schenk was one of the recognized alums, based on her contributions to decreasing environmental impacts of healthcare and working toward a healthy climate 2019.10.3 | Creating Climate Resilient Communities This panel at the 88th Annual Montana League of Cities and Towns included Drs. Rob and Lori Byron, along with representatives of Whitefish, Missoula, and Bozeman — all Montana cities that have begun to address climate resilience and emissions reductions in their city planning. Forty representatives of Montana cities and towns attended the session to hear what can be accomplished and why it matters. 2019.9.14 | Dr. Robert Byron receives Humanitarian Award for climate advocacy The American College of Physicians honored MT HPHC board member Robert Byron with a humanitarian award for his work in climate and health at the Annual Scientific Session of the ACP in Great Falls Montana 9/14/2019. - Montana Chapter, American College of Physicians 2019.9.7 | MSU research group travels to Alaska to examine climate trends A team of researchers from Montana State University’s College of Agriculture traveled to Fairbanks, Alaska, this summer to collect data they hope will help advance understanding of how thawing permafrost contributes to boreal greenhouse gas emissions. 2019.9.6 | Climate change water variability hurts salamander populations The researchers revealed that streamflow variability can kill salamanders while they are metamorphosing from larvae to adults. 2019.9.1 | Climate Smart Montana MT HPHC Dr.Nick Silverman helped found Climate Smart Montana, a group of Montana academics focused on connecting communities around climate resiliency. 2019.8.29 | Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX) Missoula Heat Island study MT HPHC Dr. Nick Silverman, in collaboration with the City of Missoula, finished the preliminary study on heat impacts on vulnerable populations in Missoula. 2019.8.26 | 68th Annual United Nations Civil Society Conference MT HPHC Dr. Beth Schenk presented material or nursing and climate action at this international conference held this year in Salt Lake City, attended by 5700 people from 135 countries. The goal is to have a global conversation on building inclusive and sustainable cities and communities. 2019.8.1 | Climate Smart Montana MT HPHC Dr. Nick Silverman, helped create this new non-profit that will help coordinate resiliency efforts by cities and towns in Montana, and asist with identifying and obtaining funds for such actions. 2019.7.1 | Gov. Bullock creates climate change council Governor Steve Bullock signed an Executive Order to create a Climate Council. The Council is to create a plan by June of 2020 to make the state carbon neutral by 2035. He will also have Montana join the U.S. Climate Alliance. 2019.6.28 | Climate change a threat to public health Printed in several Montana newspapers, The board of Montana HPHC wrote this OpEd to inform Montanans of the US Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity, the first official public action of our organization in Montana. 2019.6.24 | U.S. Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity Dozens on medical societies and health organizations, including the Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, signed this policy action agenda calling on elected officials to recognize climate change as a health emergency. 2019.5.12 | Health officials list concerns over EPA plan to delist Superfund site Local health officials have submitted a letter outlining concerns over the Environmental Protection Agency’s potential delisting of a Bozeman Superfund site, urging for more soil and groundwater testing. 2019.5.1 | Helping Hospitals to Decrease Environmental Harm MT HPHC and long-time environmental/health activist Dr. Beth Schenk spoke on "Helping Hospitals to decrese environmental harm" in this podcast created for The Association of Nurses for a Health Environemntal (ANHE). 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