Montana Climate Stories is a website designed to tell stories of Montanans affected by climate change. Sponsored by Families for a Livable Climate, and co-sponsored by Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, Mountain Mamas, and Montana Environmental Information Center. The climate crisis can feel dispersed and larger than life. When we share our stories, we create a fabric of observations and experiences that help us understand the crisis in a community context, and we connect in a personal way through our oldest form of community building—stories. ANYONE can submit a story about an aspect of your life affected by climate.
Read about
-Dr. Anita Taylor - My Change across Climate Change
- Dr Paul Smith and his angst over loss of snow
-or Dr. Lori Byron watching our gardening season lengthen
-Sydney Bollinger and asthma and wildfires
Share your Montana climate story! Instructions and submissions here.