Blackfeet Nation
The Blackfeet Nation is building resilience to climate change. We are planning ahead via the support of our tribal council, various tribal departments, and increasingly engaging young people. By this method, we are sharing information about how we can prepare as the climate changes. We are not alone in our efforts, and find inspiration from adaptation efforts by indigenous people around the world. |
City of Bozeman Sustainability Office
Bozeman city government department managing climate action plans and policy. |
Climate Smart Glacier County
Located in Whitefish Montana, our mission is to tackle challenges of a changing climate for communities in the Glacier National Park region. CSGC works with partners to create solutions that conserve resources, promote clean energy, strengthen food and water security, and reduce wildfire and other climate-related risks. |
Climate Smart Missoula
Climate Smart Missoula acts as a hub to ensure that our community is planning and acting on climate change. We are a group of dedicated leaders working to implement and support real-time projects that make measurable differences for our one-of-a-kind community and landscape. |
Climate Smart Montana
Climate Smart Montana is a non-partisan, non-profit network with the goal of sharing information and resources to better coordinate community climate resiliency efforts. Specifically, we hope to work with individuals, organizations and communities to:
The Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
The Tribes have a Climate Change Strategic Plan, and are currently working on Stage 2 of their plan. |
Faith, Science & Climate Action
FSCA is umbrellaed under MtIPL. The intent is to create a supportive environment for participants to discuss climate change and our moral obligations to families, neighbors, future generations, and vulnerable populations. They have held conferences in the fall of 2018, 2020, and upcoming for 2022. |
Faith and Climate Action Montana
Faith and Climate Action Montana is a multifaith coalition located in Missoula. |
Governor's Office, State of Montana
Governor Steve Bullock signed an Executive Order July 1, 2019, creating the Montana Climate Solutions Council and joining the State of Montana to the US Climate Alliance. The Council was directed to draft a climate solutions plan for public comment by January 31, 2019. The plan was completed in September 2020.. |
Montana Climate Assessment
The health section of the MCA is currently underway, C2H2 — climate change and human health, with publication scheduled for January 2020.
Whitefish Montana Climate Action Plan
After hundreds of hours of research, consultations with local and regional experts, countless meetings, and Herculean efforts by a committee of volunteers, the Whitefish City Council approved the Whitefish Climate Action Plan following a public hearing on April 16, 2018. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the effort! The Climate Action Plan establishes a foundation for Whitefish to strengthen local resilience to future climate change impacts and to make the transition to a clean energy economy. |
Northern Cheyenne Tribe
The Northern Cheyenne of SE Montana received an EPA grant in 2010. The primary goal was to decrease energy emissions by the tribe. |
Montana Interfaith Power and Light
Interfaith Power & Light inspires and mobilizes people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change. Since beginning in 2019, more than 6 congregations in Montana have added solar to their churches. | Montana
Based in Missoula, they work to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations to 350 ppm by implementing strategic actions and advocating policies to end fossil fuel burning with the greatest urgency. |
Montana Mountain Mamas
The Montana Mountain Mamas are rooted in the western lifestyle of raising our families outside, championing work that keeps our rivers pristine, our air clean, and our lands open and wild for generations. |
Sunrise Movement, Montana
Sunrise is a movement to stop climate change and create millions of good-paying jobs in the process, for advocates under the age of 35. Look for Missoula, Bozeman, and BIllings on facebook. |
Families for a Livable Climate
Families for a Livable Climate creates community for climate action in Montana, empowering families to advocate for a livable future. We envision a future with a healthy home planet, connected communities, and a resilient and equitable economy. |
City of Helena
February 2020, the Helena City Commission unanimously passed a resolution establishing a community-wide goal of 100% clean, renewable electricity by 2030. Helena joins Missoula as the second city in Montana to set this goal. |
Resilient Helena
Resilient Helena is a community platform created to organize conversations and inspire local actions around resilience in a changing climate. We gather folks and collaborate – for a stronger voice as we work together towards our common goals and create a better, more resilient Helena. |
Montana Climate Stories
Montana Climate Stories is a collaborative project between Families for a Livable Climate and Stories for Action to share personal stories from Montanans about how climate change is impacting them. Anyone can submit a story, poem, photo. |
Citizens for Clean Energy, Inc.
Citizens for Clean Energy, Inc. (CCE) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization of Montana citizens, largely in Great Falls, from many backgrounds and political persuasions. Their objective is to convince decision makers that adequate, clean, efficient, and cost effective energy for their community, state and region can be obtained without destroying our health, lifestyle, environment and heritage |
Bitterroot Climate Action Group
Bitterroot Climate Action Group’s mission statement is “People of the Bitterroot Valley taking action to mitigate the impacts of climate change, acting with respect and civility to all”. Our goal is to provide education and action on issues addressing these impacts, while at the same time, benefitting Bitterroot Valley residents. |
City of Red Lodge
The Red Lodge City Council formally adopted the Energy Conservation Plan on October 23, 2018. This Plan is designed to serve as a road map for reducing the City’s energy use, energy costs, and greenhouse gas emissions. It sets reduction goals and identify strategies for reaching them. |
Billings Energy and Conservation Commission
The Board will coordinate the City of Billings’ current policies and practices regarding energy consumption and resource conservation, to make recommendations to the City Council and City Administrator for future action. |
University of Montana
In 2007, President George Dennison became one of the first 100 charter signatories of the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC), pledging the University to reduce and eventually neutralize its greenhouse gas emissions. |
Montana State University
In December 2021, The faculty Senate passed a resolution declaring a climate emergency. |
Sunrise Movement Gallatin County
Sunrise Gallatin Valley is part of a nationwide network of youth climate activists working to ensure a livable future and create good-paying jobs in the process. Here in Bozeman, Sunrise organizers focus on grassroots organizing to influence change on a local, state, and federal level. They seek to empower young people to hold their government accountable for inaction and complicity regarding the systems that accelerate climate catastrophe. |
Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment
This 2021 report of the Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment (“the Assessment”) presents an in-depth summary of past, historical, and projected future changes to temperature, precipitation, and water in the GYA. It is intended as a basis for further research and discussion of the important impacts and adaptation and mitigation opportunities related to climate change in the region. |