One-pager Discussion Sheets for Community Discussions at Film Viewings
Four 6-8 minute documentaries, released in 2023, highlight aspects of climate noted in the 2021 C2H2 report affecting Montana now - wildfire smoke ("Playing With Fire"), Mental Health ("A Tough Breed"), losses in the indigenous communities ("Seven Generations"), and Healthcare Providers place in climate action ("The Health of a Planet")
Climate change is already affecting the health of Montanans. “Climate Change and Human Health in Montana: A Special Report of the Montana Climate Assessment,” or C2H2, to be released on December 8, 2020, is a special report of the 2017 Montana Climate Assessment. C2H2 was produced by the Montana University System’s Institute on Ecosystems, Montana State University’s Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity (CAIRHE) and Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Environment, with support from the Montana Healthcare Foundation. Download here
If your community would be interested in a presentation or guided conversation on the 2021 Climate Change and Human Health in Montana Climate Assessment, reach out to schedule one. The presentation will cover topics such as climate concerns, related health impacts, and community action plans. [email protected]
If your community would be interested in a presentation or guided conversation on the 2021 Climate Change and Human Health in Montana Climate Assessment, reach out to schedule one. The presentation will cover topics such as climate concerns, related health impacts, and community action plans. [email protected]
PRESENTATIONS with a focus on C2H2
22.11.28 Rob and Lori Byron, guest lecturers in the Environmental Health class, MS
22.08.12 Rob Byron - Benefis Hospital (Great Falls) Native American Advisory Board.
22.07.11 Dr. Alex Adams presented at the National Academy of Medicine (US NAM) and the UK Academy of Medical Sciences (UK AMS) in Washington DC
22.06.29 Lori Byron, National Environmental Health Association, Spokane WA, Concern and Action on CC by Env Health Professionals
22.06.21 Lori Byron, Moms’ Clean Air Force Webinar: Clean Air, Climate Health Equity and Inequity: Indigenous and Tribal Communities,
22.06.19 Rob and Lori Byron, AAP Section on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 45th Annual Meeting, Big Sky MT: Climate Change and Perinatology
22.04.13 Drought and Human Health workshop Robert Byron, panel: Air Quality and Wildfires, Bozeman MT
22.04.13 MPHA/MEHA meeting Drs Mari Eggers and Lori Byron: C2H2 , Helena
22.04.13 Alex Adams MD Science and Society, the Museum of the Rockies: the “Health Effects of Climate Change in Montana."
22.02.16 Montana Tech Environmental Health Class, virtual, The Byrons
22.02.15 AHEC Scholars Lecture Series, virtual, The Byrons
22.02.11 University of Washington Medical School Environmental Interest Group, Bozeman MT, The Byrons
22.02.07 Billings Rotary. Rob and Lori Byron presented on C2H2.
21.12.29 Yellowstone Democrats' Study Group, C2H2, Rob and Lori Byron
21.09.25 Montana Hospital Association, C2H2, Rob and Lori Byron
21.09.18 Montana Academy of Pediatrics: Update on C2H2, Rob and Lori Byron
21.09.15 Institute on Ecosystems Rough Cuts Series: “C2H2”. Rob and Lori Byron
21.09.09 Montana Asthma Advisory Group update on C2H2
21.07.21 AHEC MedStart presentation “C2H2”. Rob and Lori Byron
21.05.11 Bitterroot Climate Action Group, Montana C2H2 presentation. Rob and Lori Byron
21.03.19 Climate Change and Human Health: Moving Forward, a DPHHS Healthier Montana Lunch and Learn series, Rob and Lori Byron
21.02.17 Montana C2H2 Health Equity Webinar brought to you by Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity (CAIRHE), • Alexandra Adams, MD, PhD, Director, Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity, Montana State University • Robert Byron, MD, MPH, FACP, Crow Indian Health Center, Hardin • Lori Byron, MD, FAAP, Pediatric Hospitalist, Billings • Mari Eggers, PhD, MSU Research Scientist, Member Gallatin Board of Health. Register here
2021.01.26 The Center for Science, Technology, Ethics & Society Presents:
How Will Climate Change Impact Health in Montana? Tuesday January 26, 7pm with Alex Adams, Bruce Maxwell, and Robert Byron, authors of the Climate Change and Human Health Report. Watch live here
22.06.26 Bozeman Daily Chronicle, How Montanans are Coping with Climate Anxiety, here
22.01.23 Montana Environmental Health Association Newsletter, here
21.04.25 Billings Gazette Guest opinion: Climate change impacts are already here. Marian Kummer. . Read here
21.04.22 Explore Big Sky OpEd: C2H2-The New Climate Report, Dr. Marian Kummer . Read here
2021.04.12 Mountain Journal : Pondering Climate Change in a Red State, Cathy Whitlock and Scott Bischke article
2021.04.04 Dr. Cathy Whitlock OpEd
2021.04.02 Edible Bozeman: Our Food, Our Climate, Our Health, Rob Byron and Madison Boone. Read here
2021.01 Montana Environmental Health Association Newsletter featured a story on the 2021 Montana Climate Change and Human Health Report
20.12.10 NPR Radio Story: Montana Report links CC to mental, physical health impacts, with Rob Byron and others noted. Read here.
2020.12.09 Press Video at CAIRHE, Montana Climate Change and Human Health Report. Watch here.
2020.12.09 Montanans’ health interwoven with climate change, Explore Big Sky, Bella Butler. Read here.
2020.12.09 The Worm, Montana Climate Change and Human Health Report. Read here.
2020.12.08 New report highlights health impacts of climate change for Montanans, By Helena Dore Bozeman Chronicle. Read here
2020.12.08 VIDEO: New climate change report in Montana, Station KHQ. Watch here.
2020.12.08 Montana report examines climate change impacts to public health, Tom Kuglin. Read here.
2020.12.08 MSU Press Release, Montana Climate Change and Human Health Report. Read here.
2020.12.08 Press Conference, Climate Change and Human Health Report: Rob and Lori Byron and Mari Eggers, authors, Montana Climate Change and Human Health Report. Download here.
22.10.06-07 Rob and Lori Byron MT Nursing Association annual meeting, Helena
22.10.01-02 Montana Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, Whitefish
22.10.07 MNA Helena, MT
22.10.01 AAP, Whitefish MT
22.09.20 Montana Healthcare Conference
22.09.15 Patagonia store, Dillon
22.08.22 MSU Catapalooza, Bozeman MT
22.04.12 MPHA/MEHA meeting, Helena MT
22.03.10 Patagonia Store, Dillon MT
21.09.10 - Montana Chapter, American College of Physicians, Bozeman
21.09.17 - Montana Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, Helena
21.09.25 - Missoula Energy Fair
21.10.30 - Montana Association for the Education of Young Children, Butte, MT