A healthier future for Montanans.
The two sets of floor banners are finishing up stints at the Billings Clinic in BIllings(left) and Bozeman(right). If youwould like to display them, we will ship them free of charge; contact us at [email protected]
![]() One set of climate/health floor banners are at the Pediatrics Department at the Billings Clinic. Thank you, Pati Notario. Banners are shipped free on charge to sites that want to display them for 2 months. Contact us at [email protected] if you would like them in your workplace. We received an incredible victory in Held v. State of Montana today! The Supreme Court fully affirmed the district court order, a resounding 6-1 win. The public health amicus brief was the only amicus brief, of the 20 filed, that was cited by the Supreme Court .
Today, the highest court of Montana agreed: Children have fundamental rights to a safe and livable climate!! A review: Held v MT was the first constitutional climate case to go to trial in the US, in June 2023. 16 Montana youth held their government accountable for harming their fundamental rights to health, safety, liberty, dignity, equal protection of the law, and a clean and healthful environment. Three MT HPHC members were involved with the case. The case was won, but appealed to the Montana Supreme COurt. Our youth clients’ voices were heard. The Montana Supreme Court has upheld science-based protections for a safe and healthy climate, affirming that fossil fuel pollution is incompatible with children’s constitutional rights and that an environmental life support system includes a stable climate system. This landmark decision is now firmly embedded in Montana’s constitutional law, ensuring that no politician can revoke these protections, today or in the future. Fifteen years ago, Our Children’s Trust boldly represented the first young people to assert their constitutional climate rights. Today, that spark has ignited a global movement. We received a grant from the OP and WE Edwards Foundation to begin our Boys and Girls Club Climate Change Project. We have done a pilot project that met with success in Missoula. We provide 5 beautiful, inspirational climate books for each B/G Club library. They commit to reading a book a day for a week and doing an activity with the kids each day. On Friday. each child takes home a copy of a climate book for their own! ***If you have contacts in local B/G Clubs our other after-school programs for disadvantaged kids, please let us know at [email protected]
What a great first guest for our new TV program: Our Planet, Our Health. Julia Ryder, RN, of Bozeman is passionate about protecting health from cliamte change. She is a nurse, a mom, and wife, a horsewoman, and a dear friend.
Caspen Black at the MT Graingrowers Association meeting in Great Falls! Reaching out to farmers and ranchers about health and drought!