If you are a health professional in Montana, active or retired, we invite you to sign up for our news. Our invitation is open to all clinical professionals, public and environmental health specialists, researchers, ancillary health professionals, veterinarians, naturopaths, and chiropractors — every member of the broad healthcare community.
As Montana health professionals and health organizations, we work together because the climate crisis threatens the health and future of Montanans, including our communities, our resources, and animals. We declare our commitment to addressing climate change as a public health issue.
We accept climate change science and believe that the current disruption is human-caused, serious, occurring now, and requiring urgent action. The impacts on human, animal and environmental health are happening today and will increase into the future. To address these challenges, we advocate for healthy lifestyle changes and for a rapid transition to renewable energy and the cleaner air that will result. We recognize that many actions to improve human health also improve planetary health; the health of natural ecosystems on which humanity depends. We serve as messengers to our patients, colleagues, and communities about the myriad ways our health is affected by climate change.
Our most vulnerable — the unborn, children, pregnant women, and the elderly, as well as the economically disadvantaged, indigenous communities, and communities of color — are affected disproportionately. We seek climate and social justice in partnership with and on their behalf. We work to educate other professionals and communities; advocate on local, state, and national levels; and provide leadership in our state.
However you donate, we will acknowledge your gift and provide you with a receipt to use with your taxes. As with all 501(c)3 non-profits, we are funded through the generosity of concerned individuals, businesses, and organizations. Donations fund the organization and the organization’s mission, unless otherwise directed in writing by the donor (Directed Gift). However, we have differences that make your gifts have more impact. Our financial needs for operations are not as high as many other nonprofits. We do not pay our board, we have no paid staff, and we are virtualized, since our board is located in towns across Montana, and so have no headquarters costs.